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Download support materials

These downloadable patient resources were created to help you learn more about treatment with TABRECTA and to provide ways to help you manage daily life with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC). You can save them on your computer, mobile device, or tablet, or print them out so you can easily reference them later.

Patient Brochure thumbnail

TABRECTA Patient Brochure

Learn more about treatment with TABRECTA, including how it may help, dosing tips, and potential side effects.
Day to day guide thumbnail

Day-to-Day Resource Guide

Find helpful resources offering everyday services such as transportation, house cleaning, and financial support.


Helpful cancer resources

From information about health insurance issues to programs that help you network with others, many organizations offer support for people with NSCLC and their loved ones. Explore the links below to find what could work for you. The organizations referenced have been sourced from publicly available content and provide a sampling of the range of resource options available for cancer patients. Remember, this is just a place to start. There are many other resources available to you.

MET Crusaders
A community of lung cancer patients, caregivers, advocates, researchers, and physicians dedicated to helping patients with the MET alteration.

Better Breathers Club
The American Lung Association’s Better Breathers Club offers advice for living with lung cancer, such as tips for speaking with your doctor, local community resources, breathing techniques, and more. 

CancerCare® provides professional oncology social workers who offer free emotional and practical support for people with cancer, caregivers, and loved ones.

Cancer Support Community
Cancer Support Community is dedicated to ensuring that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.

Caring Bridge
Caring Bridge is a nonprofit organization staffed by people dedicated to making each health journey easier. They offer a private, ad-free platform for people to share health updates and rally around loved ones.

Lung Cancer Research Foundation
The Lung Cancer Research Foundation (LCRF) funds research for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of lung cancer. The organization also provides helpful resources for patients and caregivers, such as educational materials, workshops, patient stories, and a toll-free support hotline. 

LUNGevity Foundation
The LUNGevity Foundation provides patients with information about research, education, and other support for lung cancer. It is the largest lung cancer–focused nonprofit in the nation.

GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer
The GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer was founded by patients for patients to provide education and one-on-one support during their diagnosis, treatment, and overall care. The Foundation also works to improve access to care, support research funding, and end the stigma surrounding this diagnosis.

The organizations and websites listed above are external to Novartis. Novartis does not have control over the information provided on these websites and, therefore, cannot guarantee their accuracy and completeness. Any information you receive from these sites should not replace the medical advice from your health care provider.